Modern lifestyles today are very different from when we were growing up. No longer are we as active as we perhaps should be, based on our working and family life and our reduced energy levels. We may need to step back from our daily grind, re-evaluate what’s important in our lives. Here are a few tips to think about to reset your system to reduce our daily pressures, and to live life to our fullest. Sometimes just the small changes in our routine can make the biggest of improvements.
With the ever demanding lifestyles, ‘always-on’ mindset in our world today, we know that when we shut down before bed, our brains have the capacity to slow down and prepare ourselves for that all important sleep:
When we move and are active during the day, our brain leases endorphins, impacting our heart rate, improving blood circulation, creating stretch and contraction for our muscles. Keeping active during the day reduces stress levels, reduces stiffness and soreness from poor posture as we sit at our desk. Promoting our movement of mind and body stimulates healthy habits. A few ways you can focus your brain and have fun doing it:
Who doesn’t reach for that coffee first thing as we wake? We know that coffee, alcohol, and nicotine are all stimulants that trigger that jittery feeling. When we use stimulants regularly our bodies tend to crave these. Coffee is a know stimulant causing our heart to race, our legs and hands to shake and we see it as a ‘jump start’. Alcohol can cause both depression and jitters for those of use prone to these feelings, alcohol exacerbates those feelings. We know that for some, reducing or cutting out these are much harder to do.
Do you find yourself unable to articulate how you feel, reduced ability to focus or problem-solve? A hormonal imbalance may be the problem.
Our brain and body are amazing! Not only does our brain control our movement and activity through muscles and joints, also our brain controls our autonomic nervous system, including regulation and interactions of hormones which regulate our immunity, energy and mood. Our autonomic nervous system also regulates our involuntary body processes like heart rate, breathing and digestion, among many more. To support our body to be able to process our hormonal messages or ‘fight or flight’ responses, supporting our autonomic system is so important, here are a few ways you can support these:
We know that the relationship of these body systems and the brain form a link to help our body process and relax our body, through relaxing neurotransmitters within the brain. This helps our body to de-stress and improve our capacity for sleep by changing our brainwave associations.
If you have any questions, call us today if you would like to find out more about how to improve your habits – Contact us.
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